An Informal Haori is one that is intended to be worn in the home. What makes the Haori for men so intriguing is the fact that the main source of decoration is on the inside of the garment (shown left), or the lining. The inner decoration on this dramatic Haori is most unusual in that it surrounds the inside of the garment, rather than appearing only on the inside back panel as is customary. It is this lining that determines the status of the man wearing the garment. The more important the artist, the wealthier the individual who commissioned it.
This magnificent Haori would have taken a Master Weaver much time and skill to complete. The most incredible aspect of the weaving of this garment is that the lining is not separately added to the overall garment….in other words, the weaving of this Haori is one solid piece with the apparent lining not actually a lining at all, but part and parcel of the overall piece, different only in color, design and style. The outer portion of the Haori is a richly woven, sheer, black Silk, while the inner portion of the Haori goes from the pure black Silk to the brown and black textured tweed whose subtle design is that of a Spider (“Kumo”) at the center of a delicate web. This design is representative of a famous Japanese fairy tale: “The Weaver Spider.” The Japanese viewed the Spider as an symbol of industry and ability; and, among folk superstitions, as forecasting the visit of a close friend. The Spider was considered an accepted subject in Japanese Art, while the Spider Web was particularly popular during the 1800s.
Because of its highly detailed weaving in the finest of Silks, the value of this superlative Haori would have been enormous to the wearer, and to the family as a priceless heirloom. This magnificent weaving would have taken a Master Artisan much time and skill to complete. Only a man of great wealth and very high status within Court Society of old Japan would have been able to wear such a magnificent garment…A work of art that remained a treasured heirloom for many years.
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